Japan emergency Contact Numbers

Japan emergency Contact Numbers

110 - Crime and accident

110 - Emergency call to police

Call 110 to report an accident or crime to the police call center.

118 - Emergency call to coast guard

Call 118 to report an accident or crime at sea to the Japan Coast Guard.

119 - Fire and ambulance

119 - Fire, ambulance, emergency rescue

Call 119 to report a fire, to ask for an ambulance or rescue service, or to contact an emergency call center (a fire station).

Emergency telephone numbers can be called from home phones, mobile phones and public phones. When making an emergency call from a public phone, neither money nor a pre-paid telephone card are necessary. When making an emergency call from a public phone that has a liquid crystal panel as its display, just pick up the handset and dial the required number. When making an emergency call from a public phone that has a red kinkyu tsuho button (an emergency notification button), make sure to press it and then dial the required number.

03-3501-0110 English speaking police (24 hours)

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