Dear All
In continuation to the trailing email regarding the third edition of Bharat Ko Janiye Quiz (BKJQ) 2020–21.
2. Following are the updates on the status of Quiz contest :
(i) The BKJ portal, www.bharatkojaniye.in, is open for registration now.
(ii) The portal has (a) guidelines for participation; (b) Study material; (c) Mock Quiz; and, (d) Timeline of the Quiz.
(iii) For convenience, the timeline is reproduced below :
First round (welcome round) from 1 to 30 November 2020;
Second round from 7 to 13 December 2020;
Third round from 14 to 20 December 2020;
Fourth (Final round) 21 to 27 December 2020.
3. Updated flyer with timeline is enclosed.
4. A video message on the Quiz contest is available at : https://mab.to/ilg8lobD1. This could be downloaded and shared with friends.
Warm Regards
Karan Yadav (Mr.)
Second Secretary
Embassy of India Tokyo