Embassy of India Tokyo - Third Edition of Bharat Ko Janiye Quiz 2020–21

Embassy of India Tokyo - Third Edition of Bharat Ko Janiye Quiz 2020–21

Dear All

In continuation to the trailing email regarding the third edition of Bharat Ko Janiye Quiz (BKJQ) 2020–21.

2. Following are the updates on the status of Quiz contest :

(i) The BKJ portal, www.bharatkojaniye.in, is open for registration now.

(ii) The portal has (a) guidelines for participation; (b) Study material; (c) Mock Quiz; and, (d) Timeline of the Quiz.

(iii) For convenience, the timeline is reproduced below :

First round (welcome round) from 1 to 30 November 2020;
Second round from 7 to 13 December 2020;
Third round from 14 to 20 December 2020;
Fourth (Final round) 21 to 27 December 2020.

3. Updated flyer with timeline is enclosed

4. A video message on the Quiz contest is available at :  https://mab.to/ilg8lobD1. This could be downloaded and shared with friends.

Warm Regards

Karan Yadav (Mr.)
Second Secretary
Embassy of India Tokyo

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